Text:(304)667-6216 or Email: scottperry214@gmail.com
About Orchard Valley Poultry
My name is Scott Perry and I strive for perfection in what I do. I'm a small town chicken breeder looking to help others get into the amazing world of chickens. My goal is to produce a quality product that won't leave you bankrupt. I sell eggs to start your morning off right, quality hatching eggs to encourage others to start their poultry journey, and chicks/ juvenile chickens to raise their own flock. I breed Easter Eggers, Crested Polish, Silkies, Black and Blue Marans, and even the RARE Ayam Cemani! The completely BLACK chicken. From their beaks, skin, mouth, tongue, bones, feet and even meat and organs are black! I'm always working on new breeds that I may not have listed yet so feel free to ask what's new! My chickens are free ranged and fed a high protein crumble. For care information feel free to contact me by my email or phone.